
Mail BookWear® like a thick postcard.
We'll mail it for you.


University and College Orientation & Recruiting

College is a milestone in a person’s life.

Engage with college students and make that experience extra exciting with a message that says “Welcome to Campus” in a very tangible way. With BookWear® offers highly creative tool to make university and college orientation much fun. Your photographs and message go on the “book” cover and there’s a surprise gift inside.

Creative Student Messaging

University and College Orientation & Recruiting

Students get bombarded with solicitations, especially the top candidates. Electronic and social media is so ubiquitous that it’s ambient noise. Communications professionals know that messaging must be creative and novel to be seen. Tell your story on a “book” you know will be read and opened. BookWear® shines because it’s real, dimensional and unknown. What is inside? The recipient feels compelled to open it. People remember surprises and this one has your photos and message on it.

A Creative Means to Communicate to College Students

University and College Orientation & Recruiting

Choose from a wide range of custom-branded gifts and integrate your own graphics, photos, and content. BookWear® offers endless ideas to create a meaningful gift that you can give future college students during orientation.

Mail BookWear® Like a Postcard

Prior to college orientation, BookWear® recruiting giveaways can be mailed like a postcard or hand it out. University of the Arts mails one to students prior to orientation every year with an emphatic “Welcome” message on the cover. Inside is a compressed T-shirt with their logo. There’s also an orientation schedule inserted inside. These college students are thoroughly warmed up, informed and excited before arriving on university’s campus. They’ve started wearing the shirt and identifying with (and advertising) the school.

University and College Orientation & Recruiting

Choose from 24 Different University-branded Gifts for College Students

There are 24 different gifts that can be custom branded to the university and inserted inside BookWear®. Choose from a compressed T-shirt, USB flash drive, flashlight, wrist wallet, or other useful gift ideas for college student orientation. Every time it’s used, the university logo is seen and the message is remembered. Imagine the level broadcasting your brand gets from the life of a t-shirt being worn in public. Multiply that by the number college students getting this gift as well as the value of message of each gift. Your story gets exponential exposure.

University and College Orientation & Recruiting

One orientation program sends a BookWear® package with a t-shirt and they ask the student to take a photo of themselves wearing the shirt in front of a local landmark. The student brings the photo with them to orientation. The photographs of all students are put up on a wall and become a catalyst to conversation and sharing.

University and College Orientation & Recruiting

Drive Students to Your Website

Drive students to your website with a “pop quiz” about your campus. The package above has popcorn with 5 questions on the bag and instructions ending with, “For the correct answers, go to our website.” It’s the most surprising and fun pop quiz they’ll take. BookWear makes for some of the most compelling college recruiting giveaways and orientation giveaways.

Add a prize for answering the questions correctly on a postcard, like the tuition credit above, and you’ll really engage the person. Other prizes schools have used are football tickets, coupons to the bookstore and film-festival tickets. Be creative and you’ll have people digging through your web pages looking for answers (and learning about your campus).

University and College Orientation & Recruiting

Effective Messaging with BookWear®

Do you want ideas for creating effective messaging with BookWear®? A great place to go is the Testimonials page. Next to the quotes are many photos of samples. Click on the photo to enlarge it and see the layout, colors, graphics and text.

New students arrive on your campus excited to be a part of your college/university. You can amplify that excitement with an orientation message married to a gift inside BookWear®. They will use the gift and broadcast your message. It’s a momentous time in their life and one that returns value to your campus for years to come.

See University and College Case Studies

Contact your preferred distributor for BookWear® information and ordering. If you need a distributor referred to you please email info@bookwear.net. Thank You!
ASI #41044 • PPAI: 233342 • SAGE 69978 • UPIC: Book1122


About the Author:
Jack Gyr is the founder of BookWear®. He has helped countless colleges and universities develop highly effective college student recruiting strategies using BookWear®. You can reach Jack by contacting BookWear® directly, or connecting with him on Facebook or Google+.